Willem van Boelrestraat 195

Unfortunately, this property has been withdrawn (temporarily)
This livingspace is rented out by Verhuurtbeter.nl

  • This property has been withdrawn because the owner is investigating whether the properties can be sold or rented. The main reason is the change in the law as of 01-07-2024, the Affordable Rent Act [Dutch info].

    Therefore, if the owner decides to sell the properties, the properties will no longer be available for rent.

    However, we will contact the possible buyer of the property and try to establish a cooperation so that the properties can still be rented out.

    Therefore, be sure to leave the property in your favorites so that we can keep the animosity for the properties up to date.

    Unfortunately, due to the “Withdrawn” status, we are no longer scheduling open houses for the properties.

  • 90 m²
  • 4 Rooms
  • Apartment
  • Resale
This livingspace is rented out by Verhuurtbeter.nl

A four-room apartment on location "Het Lage Land" in Rotterdam

About the livingspace

The rental price in this advertisement is not yet final and must first be assessed according to the housing valuation system. After the assessment, the rental price will be adjusted.

About the project

You will find the Willem Van Boelrestraat in the world city of Rotterdam.  Apartments up to three bedrooms are offered. The corner apartments on the left side of the building have one bedroom and offer sufficient and functional living space with 46 m2. In the remaining part are the
three-bedroom apartments, these have a living area of 90 m2. The apartments are very bright and spacious, and the finish of the renovated apartments is modern.   

The apartments are located near the Rotterdam Alexander train station.  With the Alexandrium shopping center at five minutes cycling distance, shopping is also a possibility. Furthermore, the A20 motorway is almost directly accessible with connections to Gouda, towards Leiden and to the south.

Advantages of living on Willem

  • Spacious apartments of 90 m2 and functional units of 46 m2
  • The renovated apartments have a fully equipped kitchen and bathroom
  • Each apartment has a balcony
  • Close to the NS-station, with good connections to Rotterdam Central and Gouda/Utrecht
  • Five minutes by bike from Alexandrium shopping center
  • Close to restaurants and hospital

The homes
The homes contain neat finishes. Such as laminate flooring, a new kitchen with built-in appliances (oven, hob and dishwasher), a new bathroom, a new toilet, plastered walls and general repairs.

Within walking distance is the metro and train station Rotterdam Alexander. In a few minutes you can be at Rotterdam Central Station. Public transport has a wide range in this area, including bus, streetcar, metro and train. The IJsselland hospital is also nearby and the A16 freeway is accessible with a slip road.

Wanneer u kan komen kijken

Verhaal over bezichtiging, de keuze voor het soort kijkmoment maakt Verhuurtbeter.nl. De wensen van de kandidaten staan hierbij centraal. een Openbaar Open Huis; Deze kijkmomenten zijn zichtbaar op onze website. Een Premium Open Huis; alleen voor kandidaten die reeds een betaalde aanmelding hebben en die voldoen aan de voorwaarden. Kandidaten ontvangen een uitnodiging zodra het kijkmoment.



Willem van Boelrestraat 195
3067 LS Rotterdam
Type of construction
Construction year
Type of offer
Number of floors
1 floor
Located on
7th floor
Living area
90 m²
225 m³
Number of rooms
4 rooms
Number of bedrooms
3 bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
1 bathroom and a separate toilet
6 m² located on the west
Parking facility

If parking is available, this means that there are options to rent a parking space in or near the complex. Ask for the possibilities via our chat.



This property has been withdrawn because the owner is investigating whether the properties can be sold or rented. The main reason is the change in the law as of 01-07-2024, the Affordable Rent Act [Dutch info].

Therefore, if the owner decides to sell the properties, the properties will no longer be available for rent.

However, we will contact the possible buyer of the property and try to establish a cooperation so that the properties can still be rented out.

Therefore, be sure to leave the property in your favorites so that we can keep the animosity for the properties up to date.

Unfortunately, due to the “Withdrawn” status, we are no longer scheduling open houses for the properties.

Energy label
What is the basic rental price p/m?
Required (gross) monthly income (1 person)
What is your (gross) monthly income?
Required (gross) monthly income (2nd person)
You must earn this together